
We were indulged in work
When time strode very fast
The moon held a unique cast
& vicinity grew intensely dark

It's time to leave & it was pretty late
So concerned I was, of our safety
Nope! I meant, about the safety of 'her'
She & I stood for the bus in await

Random thoughts kept rushing in my head,
At any cost, I must help her reach home safely
I could feel my heart beating rapidly
But I chose to hold on to being a hero

Suddenly my eyes heeded her actions
Who stood in the middle of the road
With hair glimmering under the street light
& a contented gaze at the moon in awe

She told me in joy, it was her first time
To be outside at that hour ever in her life
I could perceive the freedom in her eyes,
Happiness in her breath for the first time .

With no more worries, she sailed the moment
& I felt like a passenger in the boat she danced
In amazement, I asked her if she wasn't worried at all 
"Why would I? You are here" she replied
Those words led me blindly into a new destiny 
