Her own way...

Crazy kid she was
Craved to listen her 
favourite music on radio

She glided the moments
On her jumping toes 
Danced to the beats played

It all wasn’t an easy task
To put the radio in resonance
Through screeching channels

She stood over
the window slab
Sometimes O’er the
stacked rice bags
Scrolling all the way
through the channels

Hopefully again & again
Merely to catch up 
her loved voice
To smoothen
those anonymously
Jumbled mystic waves

It made her mad,run 
In hurry through all the rooms 
With chan-chan anklets 
Gossiping about her 
ridiculous desire

When finally ended up 
finding her choice in sync
Her eyes shone vividly 
Having felt what happiness 
means in real

For her,
It was all full of play
She found the music 
she loved and
danced to its muse
So did her anklets 
out of control…
